Monday, June 23, 2008

Romace with Death!

Fellow crazymen,

I promised you the other day I'll tell you something about my book, `The Romance of Death'.

Well, this is a wish book that has a lot of autobiographical notes and a proposal for the mankind--live life full and plan your death.

Many think it's a crazy idea. All religions attribute life to God, and hold life sacred. It's they who are crazy, really. Man is no superior to other creatures, in fact, he is inferior. Only, he has got his hands free and therefore found out enough facility to do mischief with his hands. The result is for all of us to see: he has made a mess of the planet home and around. Have you seen the satellite picture of the millions of debris revolving around this blue planet? They are all the wreckage of this bloody man's handiwork, and you say, he is `intelligent!!!'

Well, my theory is that life is an incident, and man's life too is same. If we have lived our lifespan and think we have done our possible work and lived the life, we could call it quits.

And how?..wait a while, draw your breath, I'll tell you in the next post...



June 23, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Profile

I call myself pearl K Surendran
I'm 55 years young
I believe in nothing, and disbelieve nothing, because I'm a member of the curious species called human being which is the stupidest of all.
I'am born against my will, but wants do die according to my will
I'll invite you to my deathbed probably to share a joke or to recall the time we spent together or to ruminate our talks and, of course, to make passes at the life and death. What the hell!!!!
I'm (un)trained as a journalist, a profession I came to know, is talking false without batting an eye. If you doubt me, look at those chatter boxes on Television, and decide how glibly they talk nonsense they never believe!
So, I end up as one who believe in infinity and cosmic force, nothing else. I believe no religion, nor do I subscribe to any Faith. They all enslave us with their silly codes and ethics. Yeah, but I believe in an efficient moderator force (you may call law and order) as long as we live in groups (society) because there is a real danger of Goliaths eating Davids at the first opportunity if there is no Ombudsman around. Remember how we drive through red light when the policeman is not around?
Rest, dont believe. It's all mirage

something about what happend to me...

Life & Death

I was born at the age of two. Till then I was in limbo like a dried seed. And, since then, I have been wondering at this infinite world that has neither a beginning nor a end. In the process of wading through the jungle of society populated with stupid fellows who do not know how to live and enjoy the life, that is consciousness, I have not stopped marvelling at the stupidity of the creature called Man.

All other creatures live out their biological time with malice towards none, only man thinks otherwise, and he wants to be immortal! what does it mean? Immortal, my left foot!

None of the greats who lived before us have returned to tell us a story. We may call them Greats, Divine, saints, prophets, or appostles, it makes no difference. How then we conclude that there is immortality?

It's all poppycock. Live out today. Do not think of what this creature called human being is doing to the living environment. If you do so, you will go mad and die.
In the process of my learning from the Nature and from hard thinking, I have produced a Philosophical thriller called The Romance of Death... About it later...
pearl k surendran
june 21,2008